Barracuda Attack?

A diver is in critical condition Friday after he was attacked by a large fish while spearfishing off windward Oahu Thursday night. The victim, Tonga "Piu" Loumoli, and his diving partner believe that "large fish" was a barracuda. If so, this would be an extremely rare case of an attack by a great barracuda in Hawaii.
Barracudas are common in Hawaiian waters, but attacks on humans are rare. Their sharp teeth allow them to prey on fish of all sizes. "They feed on fish quite large by cutting them in two pieces with a dart-like dash and then leisurely returning to pick up the two halves."
It's somewhat skeptical if a barracuda is to blame... "Barracudas have very long pointed snouts so you wouldn't have a hemispherical bite like a shark but you'd have a narrower bite or a slash."
Rivera's recollection of his friend's wound might match that description: "Yeah, maybe about a two inch hole right straight inside of him."